Saturday, February 14, 2009

Its Clobbering Time

Debbie Wasserman Shultz will be a first ballot inductee into the PWN Hall of Fame. She put in top notch work again yesterday on Hardball with Chris Matthews kicking around Brian Bilbray like his head was a soccerball. Sooner or later the conservatives had better learn that you don't bring a knife to a gun fight and DWS is like a Desert Eagle.

(h/t COkdub)


  1. Gott-dayum. Who is SHE? She's got me all a-flutter, kinda like Rachel. I laughed out loud when she said "He said it to everyone else in the caucus."

  2. Just Googled. Oh, I see. Your home girl, yes?

  3. Yeah she is from down here in florida, not my district but she is awesome. I started noticing her from her appearances on Hardball when she was advocating for then Sen Obama. She was BY FAR the most effective surrogate that he had to go on that show. She is sharp and she doesn't take any shit. Besides that unlike some Dems she won't allow the Republicans to shout over her to try to drown her out. I don't know if florida is ready for it yet but I hope one day she runs for the Senate here. Maybe even for Mel Martinez's seat. I would DEFINITELY vote for her.


Come Hard Or Not At All!